Saturday, 14 March 2020

Wind Storm and Baking

We have had 2 days of strong gusty wind which did some damage including break off the top of a very big old tree on the lot behind us. On its way down it broke another tree which will allow much more light to shine on the "wild area" at the very back of the yard.  So what might have been an unfortunate thing turned out to be good. IF the tree had fallen our way I would not be saying this but it didn't do any damage even to the fence.

You can see the broken remains here. The tree that broke was about the same diameter as the one behind it.   Both are full of Ivy as you can see.

I wish this scrawny one would fall as well!

Pie Day... and here's my rustic cherry pie. No use having the oven on for one thing so I made a date and raisin square ( matrimonial cake to some).  DH loves dates but until I started using raisins as well in the filling I was not terribly fond of it. Now I like it as much as he does.

 That's my day so far. It's just after lunch and the rest of the afternoon is mine to do as I please.
I've been watching You Tube videos with Jeri Landers  of Hopalong Hollow and enjoying every minute of them. One of you dear ones brought her to my attention. I can't remember who it was but Thanks!!

Granny Marigold


  1. That is a big tree, and could have done so much damage. The force of wind is frightening.

  2. Yikes! That looks like a close call. I'm glad you didn't have any damage and that you will get the benefit of more sunshine!

  3. Sure glad the tree fell the way it did!!!
    We had some crazy high wind yesterday too.

  4. Sorry to see the damaged tree, but that pie looks wonderful!

  5. I made a pi pie today too. Mine was triple berry and I even made a top crust this time! I need projects to keep me busy right now.

  6. Oh the same we had some weeks before! Many trees in our Bavarian Forest were broken - - - Thanks goodness the tree did not make any harm to somebody! Good tree!

    .."I wish this scrawny one would fall as well!..." -for me a symbol, that sometimes scrawny people survive and strong people fall - - -

    This is art of life (life-art): baking a fine cake in the middle of the storm - -

    Thank you for this post and many greetings from Dori

  7. Your pie looks yummy and I love date bars my Grandmother used to put raisins in hers too:)

  8. Glad that tree came down ok and didn't harm anything really. Love the things that come out of your oven.....everything always looks delicious and I love dates and raisins!

  9. Nothing tastes as good as home baking :)
    I am really glad that the tree never caused any damage for you, but instead has given you the bonus of more sunshine. Did you hear the tree fall? That sound always makes me cringe a bit until I know where it is coming from.

  10. My mom used to say, "There's never an ill wind that doesn't blow some good." I think that may be the case there. We had some strong winds a couple of days ago that blew the top out of a large cedar along my walking trail. I now have to detour through the woods. The cattle have already made a well trodden path for me to follow. I love Jeri's you tube videos. My favorite is when she takes us up to her workshop. Talk about inspiration! Wow!

  11. Your baked goods look so good. I'm going to make banana bread tomorrow. I have four bananas that are way past their prime. We stayed inside all day today as we had strong winds and snow. It's the coldest night of the winter tonight but tomorrow will start warming up and be back in the 50's by Tuesday. I don't think we'll even shovel since it will all melt soon.
    I'm glad that tree didn't cause any damage for you. That could have been really scary for you.

  12. Glad no damage occured to your fence! The baked items look good.

  13. we have a tree, it's rather large, it's way to close to house, and the houses are close. If that puppy falls, and I pray it never does, it can take out any number of houses in the path. $3000.00 to cut it down. Everytime the wind blows, I get a little nervous. Your baking time, mmmm good. Put on the cofee GM, and I'll invite myself over :)

  14. It was Lisa that mentioned Hopalong.
    Your bakes look yum yum! You're such a good baker!

  15. That was some break on that tree! I'm glad it didn't do any damage to your property and that you now have more light coming in on that side. Your cherry pie looks amazing! We like dates also. I'll have to check around for a recipe of your dessert.

  16. Oh I am so glad the tree didn't cause any damage. My mercy! How frightening though. We had to cut one down next to FIL home as it was just a matter of time before it fell and it was headed in the direction of his home. Your your baked goodies look good. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  17. You're welcome! Ha ha! Maybe I'm not the only one who recommended Jeri Landers' channel, but I did mention her recently. Glad to see the trees are thinning themselves and giving you more sunshine! Those fruity desserts look so yummy. I've wanted to try a rustic fruit pie. Hugs!

  18. Maybe you are the one who brought Jeri Landers to my attention? Her videos are enchanting. I'm looking at her for methods for needle felting, although I'm really awful at it right now.
    You are such a superb baker! That cherry pie looks fabulous.
