Monday, 16 March 2020

St. Patrick's Day

Do you make any fuss at all celebrating St. Patrick's Day?  Here at our house the celebration will be all about  our youngest granddaughter who turns 17 on this day. It's Spring break so no school for her and her brother.  I think Winter has given its last gasp and the sun has begun to shine. If the forecast can be believed the fine weather will last all week.  

Have a Wonderful Day.

Granny M.


  1. Dear Granny Marigold, I wish you and all your dears a fine St.Patick's day! We here in Germany don't know this fine celebrations of this day.

    Many greetings from Dori from the Bavarian Forest


  2. No, no fuss here...I almost wish there was. Happy Birthday to your youngest granddaughter! We are supposed to have rain two or three more days...up to 60 on those days then back down to 40ish for a couple days.

  3. Happy St. Patrick's Day and granddaughter's 17 years birthday! We don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Norway. Strange that the stores has not picked it up, it looks like they find every opportunity to sell more!

  4. You have a grand day, too! I would like to make Irish Soda bread, but I'm not sure about my soda supply. Must look. Sending happy prayers your way, GM!

  5. We haven't such a day but I like to read about it :-)

  6. We have never bothered with St Patrick's Day but the local Irish pubs usually do a good business this day - probably not so much this year. Glad you have sunshine to enjoy :)
    Grand-children seem to grow up so fast - happy birthday to your grand-daughter xx

  7. Happy birthday to your granddaughter! May you be blessed with continuing good weather! :) At least it's nice and sunny here! :)

  8. We aren't doing much. I braved the stores this morning at 5:00 a.m. and found many empty shelves. I had planned to make corned beef but couldn't find one. Instead we'll have a take and bake pizza I got in the deli and we should be set for groceries for a couple of weeks. It was very disconcerting to see so many empty shelves.
    Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!

  9. Happy St Patrick's day to you too.
    I made Irish Soda Bread.

  10. I wear green, but there is no where to go. Schools are closed, everything but grocery stores and pharmacies are closed. But the sun is shining.
