Thursday, 30 July 2020

A Short Post

I had a goal of posting every second day in July and I am determined to finish what I began. The reason this  post is going to be short is because I fell today and hurt my right hand. It is temporarily out of commission and my typing which is sketchy at best is even worse using my left hand. But I will be visiting your blogs ( won't be able to comment for a bit though).
I will be back as soon as possible.

Granny M.


  1. Sorry about your hand injury, GM!! That's a bummer. I hope it heals quickly and you are back to your baking soon :)

  2. Oh no! I'm so sorry about your fall. I hope your hand is better very soon because I'll miss hearing about your days. I will keep you in my prayers.

  3. Hope you recover GM soon and can get back to normality- Regards. KEV.

  4. GM, I'm sorry to hear that you fell down. I hope you mend up soon. Please take care.

  5. I am so sorry you hurt your hand...I would be a mess if I hurt my right hand. I hope yours recovers soon.

  6. Oh dear, not a nice thing to happen. Take care.

  7. Sorry to hear this, Granny! Praying for healing!

  8. Oh no!I amso sorry! I hope it gets better soon!!! Will pray πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  9. Oh so sorry to hear you fell and hurt your hand. A prayer for a fast recovery.

  10. Oh no, that does not sound good. Falling is such a danger as we grow older, as I know only too well. I hope your hand heals up quickly and without any complications. Sending you hugz, Mxx

  11. Oh my! I'll be praying your hand heals and feels better quickly! You just rest and we'll still be here when you get back! Blessings!

  12. I will be thinking about you partly because I also have a hand problem this week and had to move my mouse to the left side... so everything takes forever! it's very frustrating for you, I'm sure. It's even hard to hold a book with one hand, so if you don't happen to have some titles on audio...

    May God speed your healing!!

  13. Oh dear. I'm so sorry about your hand and hope it heals quickly and thoroughly.

  14. Oh goodness....there is never a good time to be injured but you being such an avid gardener, summer time is definitely not the time you want to be laid up. I do wish you a speedy recovery. In the meantime I hope your family will dote on you! :)

  15. Oh sorry to hear....get better very soon!

  16. Dear Granny Marigold, what a disaster! Hope your hand soon will be good again! Hope you have some good angles to help you in your daily duties and hobbies (garden, cooking etc).

    Best wishes and blessings to you and to your fine family from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

    Fine to know, that you visit our blogs,dear friend!

  17. So sorry to read about your hand, hope all is well. Take care.

  18. Oh no, Granny Marigold! I pray your hand heals soon.

  19. Oh No!!!! Poor you!!.. Hope and pray you mend soon xxx

  20. Oh nic, hope your feeling better soon x

  21. Sorry to hear. I pray it will heal soon. Take care!

  22. I'm sorry to hear that you fell down. How is it now?

  23. Oh No! I am so glad you didn’t break anything! Be careful!

  24. Sorry to hear about your hand, do take care!
