Saturday, 31 July 2021

This and That



 I must admit I'm rather  glad July is over. We had temperatures that broke records for heat, and we're also setting a new record for days with no rain. I believe we're up to 50.

There were good things too. Our family BBQ on July 1st is always lots of fun. Then M turned 12 (he's the youngest of our 5 grands).  We enjoyed our first ripe tomatoes and of course I enjoyed my flowers.

Here is a photo taken I think in 1987 while we were on a road trip with Miss C and our DIL. We were dropping them off in Alberta at her Dad's and we were continuing on to Waterton and Glacier National Parks. I'm not sure why my DH posed on that tree. Must have been some reason or other.  I do remember that poor Miss C got practically eaten alive by mosquitoes. She was such a sweet little girl and I miss those days ( she's still sweet but in a different way of course.)

Here's a picture NOT AT ALL SWEET. Some hooligans thought it  would be fun to light the boardwalk across the lake on fire. It happened in the wee hours of this morning. At one time we had police on bikes patrolling the park but that didn't last.  I wish they'd bring that back.

I didn't have much to blog about today but I did want to do a final July post.  I hope you're all having a pleasant weekend. It's a long one here in Canada but to us who are retired long weekends are not all that special. Every weekend is like a nice long weekend.

Take care,  G.M.


  1. I love retirement!!!
    Love the walk down memory lane with you too. And we had a similar bridge burning on one of our trails a couple years ago. Don't know if it was arson, or what...but the trail was closed for several weeks.

    I'm not looking forward to August much...hurricane season starts to pick up.

  2. Oh, how sad about the bridge :-( It's very odd to think that in an era where there are more criminals about, we don't need as much law enforcement as before...?

    I hope you get some rain soon!

  3. What a shame about the bridge being burned. Not only did they ruin it for others but themselves as well.
    Hard to believe July has come to an end. Seems like only yesterday we were waiting for the snow to go away!!

  4. And July has been much colder and wetter than normal!

  5. Yes July has been miserable hot with almost no rain. Hope August is better! Nice scenery in your first sometimes do things just because they can:)

  6. I think July has passed by too quickly.
    Hard to believe that we will be in the 8th month of the year.
    Enjoy the remainder of your weekend and happy August wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS Sorry to read about 'the hooligans'.

  7. Hi Granny! Wow fifty days without rain is awful. I hope you get some very soon. and lighting that boardwalk on fire? I hope they catch whoever did it....maybe they'll start bragging about it to someone. Hope so. What a waste. Glad July brought you a great BBQ, your first tomatoes and beautiful flowers! Now onto August!

  8. I paid the bills yesterday. It was payday for State employees and retirees. I guess that means it's the end of the month. July has felt so much like a normal August, though, that it seems like we are just getting more of the same month. I feel like everything just needs a good wash with this endless dry, too warm weather.

  9. How awful, the destruction of the board walk. I don't understand people like that. I enjoyed the picture of your husband on that leaning tree! I wonder if it grew like that or if it fell. I am glad for August, too, but I actually hope it flies by and gets to September!

  10. What some people do for their thrills! What a wonderful feature it was for so many to enjoy. I love summer but it does have a way of just wearing one out, especially when it hot and dry. We all need pretty flowers. That's what summer is all about! Happy August to you.

  11. I hope August will be better than July! Too much heat then too much rain and finally too much cold!
    It’s very sad that people can destroy just to make fun!

  12. love the photo of your husband being brave enough to stand on the leaning tree. How sad though to hear that someone set the bridge on fire. It is such a thoughtless act. Here's wishing you a happy August!

  13. You have a fine family now and then! What a beautifiul landscape on the old photo with the adventure-tree and snow on the mountains!

    The climate is crazy everywhwere, I hope, that our children will not have too big problems... - - A friend said yesterday the hopeful sentence: We have still air above - -

  14. I love the picture of you and your husband! Looks like you were having fun. I love looking back at pictures. Yes, I'm glad to see July go too even though we had a cooler than usual July. Usually July and August are miserably hot and humid here in NC. Even today is nice with a breeze.

  15. Yup, love retirement! Too bad some folks have nothing better to do than destroy things. I hope the boardwalk is quickly fixed. I guess they're rationing water (lawn watering) in the towns around here. We have a well, so it doesn't effect us. We've been getting a lot of smoke from fires up north/west here in northern Minnesota. Not bad today. Praying for rain! I think the tree thing must have been a bet? Ha ha.
