Sunday, 4 July 2021

Woolly Mullein and Blueberries

 Thanks to birds that visit my garden I have a 6' Woolly Mullein growing happily near the Hollyhocks.
 The one I have looks more like the second photo though. A bit straggly.

pictures from the internet

We went looking for blueberries yesterday and were disappointed to find that we had to pick our own if we wanted any. In other years we've always done that but we're at an age now where we happily pay others to pick them.  We did go into the field and began picking but the sun beat down on us and we soon gave up. We'll find some yet because the season has just begun.

 We bought more delicious cherries at Walmart this morning. Cherries are by far my favourite fruit!!
 Our temperatures are staying around 30C which is normal for July. We're so thankful the 40 degree weather moved on.
To all who are celebrating the 4th of July I hope you had a lovely celebration.

Thanks for dropping by,  GM




  1. I L❤️VE that cat!!!
    I love fresh blueberries. And dark, bing cherries.

  2. Must be nice to have a cherry and blueberry season locally!

  3. Nice that the birds brought you a gift! I don't blame you for not wanting to be out in the hot sun picking berries, I would rather pay someone too. It's too bad we can't get decent ones in grocery stores, but glad you got your cherries. I love the nonmatching kitty, I want him! Happy 4th to you too. :)

  4. Our Bavarian birds also brought to my garden this slim kind of - in Germany we call it "King's Candle"! I love it!

    Our blueberries are much smaller and grow on the floor in the forest. They will be ripe soon, too.

    In radio they still tell about the big heat in Canada and fires. Good, that it is over in your region now.

    Today my children made a fine cake of cherries!

  5. What a sweet special cat!

  6. Looking down that row of blueberry bushes... is daunting! Now, if it had been an overcast day, I might have done it.

    I'm so happy for you about the mullein. I would really like one. Let's see, where could I squeeze it in? ... maybe back in the corner where all my native currant bushes lived a very short life, and it seems so bare now.

  7. Sure hope you get your blueberries!!! I love cats but I must say I've never seen one quite like that!

  8. First of all, I love that precious kitty. What a priceless face. :-)
    Blueberries are not easy to pick. We used to go into the mountains of northern Idaho and Washington and pick huckleberries. There was always a rush on to get them before the bears did!
    I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  9. I really enjoyed these beautiful photos - flora that you don't see in my corner of the world.

    Love that cute kitty too!

  10. I've seen those Woolly Mullein around here but didn't know what they were called. Pretty impressive plants.
    Interesting looking cat. Wonder if it is real or photo shopped! :)

  11. I have never seen Wooly Mullein. It is an amazing plant! I love that picture of the cat and the caption. That's so funny. Hope you find some blueberries...already picked.

  12. Too bad about the blueberries! I know what you mean about not wanting to pick your own. We went to an apple pick-your-own place and paid and then my hubby could not even make it to the nearest trees. I barely crept over and got a few and struggled back! I hope they will have some picked half-pints for you soon!

  13. De Koningskaars is in Nederland vaak te vinden op niet bewoude plaatsen.
    Verbascum is waarschijnlijk een verbastering van "barbascum" afkomstig van het Latijnse "barba" (baard) en verwijzend naar de wollige, harige bladeren.
    Thapsus zou verwijzen naar "Thapsos een schiereiland van Sicilië waar de plant veel voorkomt."
    Leuk om zelf blauwe bessen te plukken, maar niet bij 30 graden,is mij te heet. In de winkel hebben ze er zóveel dat ze ze verkopen:-)

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

  14. Oh how I love wooly mullein. I, much to hubby’s chagrin, allow it to grow wherever it decides to. I transplanted some last year into the garden but it never did very well. I think it just likes to do it’s own thing whenever and wherever.

  15. Yumm, cherries would be my favourite fruit too. Wooly mullein grows here as a weed, so it is usually pulled out of gardens! Had to giggle at the kitty :)

  16. I hope you get to find some blueberries yet, it is very hot picking them, especially in this hot weather! We had the same heat wave temps you must have had. I too am thankful the heat wave has moved on, and the nights cool down. I chuckled at the darling kitty picture!
