Tuesday, 2 August 2022

This and That


 A lovely sunny morning. The sun shining on the fountain mist created  such a pretty effect.

 We always look for the mama duck with her three babies.  She has managed to keep them safe from the raccoons that patrol the area.

It's a wee bit cooler today. After our walk I puttered outside until I got too warm ( and tired) so I came in and decided to look through my collection of mini place mats. I'm not sure exactly what they're for; some have loops to hang others don't. The biggest one is only 11" square. I find them pretty and useful as a place to put my coffee or tea mug and maybe a small plate with a scone or cookie.  

The Christmas one in the front is my latest find.

I'm having a good day and I hope you are as well. Leave a comment to let me know you visited today :)



  1. So glad the duckilings are safe.

  2. Using them as a coaster or snack mat is a great idea.

  3. I do like the mini placemats. Those little furbabies are fuzzy, we have a local pond where the geese gather and the babies are precious and fuzzy, but grow fast. I see the rainbow in the water a double delight because I like the sound of the water fountain too.

  4. Granny I have tried several times to post a comment, but I never can. I hope this one will work.

    I enjoy each one of your posts and the quick glimpse into your life - which is quite similar to mine!

    1. Granny, I didn’t really think my comment would publish and I didn’t think to put my name on it. I am Fran and I enjoy your blog, as I wrote yesterday. To
      read about what you are doing is like having a chat with a friend.

  5. My PT appointment was cancelled this morning, so I fell back to my previously prescribed routine, in front of an open window with cool air pouring. Then I worked for an hour and a half outside. It was great to have morning coolness. We have a Sounders match at the stadium this evening. Seattle will be a happier place now that the heat wave has broken.

  6. Such a mystical artificial rainbow! ๐ŸŒˆ ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ ๐ŸŒˆ

    Brave duck-Mama!! Raccoons come also here in Germany more and more and make problems . . .

    You always decorate with love and inspiration - playing free and discovering new and old things - -

  7. The mini place mats are very pretty.
    Beautiful to see the rainbow in the fountain. The one at the pond here is STILL broken.

  8. From one granny to another - yes, a nice day.

  9. Hi Granny! I loved your picture of the fountain with the rainbow rays coming thru it from the sun. Sure hope those ducks stay safe....raccoons can be awful! What a nice collection of placemats....I do like that Christmasy one! Take good care.

  10. Some might be larger hotpads! I like having a drawer full or potholders and hotpads!

  11. We tend to do work in the morning until the heat gets to us and then quit for the day. Fortunately what we don't get done is still always there waiting for us! Have a great week!

  12. Thanks G.M. ..Yes we're having a good day - warmer here today and in the evening - a mild day for this Winter. Glad to see your keeping an eye on the Ducks. Best Wishes. KEV.

  13. First to leave a comment, do a win a prize? LOL The Christmas square is very pretty. That first picture is amazing. You really captured it, right angle and light etc. Sounds like you enjoyed your walk. Don't over do with the outside work, it can be hard on us.

  14. Love your walks! That is a rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ in the fountain!

  15. I love your new header photos! And your mug rugs! Looking at your blog today makes me thing of autumn — I can’t wait!

  16. I understand about getting too warm and tired when working outside. The heat zaps the energy.

  17. I really like your mini place mats, what a great idea. They sure would be handy for a number of uses. I might have to the sewing machine out of the closet and make some! Hope all is well with you ~ Blessings

  18. Your fountain picture is beautiful! I hope the ducks can continue to stay safe. Summer is beginning to wind down even though it doesn't feel like it must yet. I am looking forward to cooler days.
