Friday, 15 March 2024

Construction and a Pie


 Months ago I blogged about a large medical office building that was being built behind the 2 or 3 houses next to us. From the sun room I got a couple of pictures that are not very good at all but give a small idea of what's going on.  That big green boom is part of the pump pumping endless amounts of concrete into the forms that have been erected over months  In the second picture you can see the hospital which is very nearby. The spot chosen for the medical offices couldn't be better but for us it will block our sunshine and any view we had..


I cheated and baked a frozen (bought) pie for Pi day. It was not very good. The pastry was too thick and there wasn't enough filling. I don't often buy pies but this one was bought as a fund raiser for Gleaners.

We enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and today is also a lovely mostly clear day. The forecast is for 19C.
I think that would be around 66F.

Have a lovely weekend.  GM


  1. How sad that your sunshine is going to be blocked by the medical offices that are being built.

    I didn't remember it was PI day until late last night! So, guess who didn't get any pie for pi day?

  2. It's too bad that you are going to lose your sunlight and your view to the new building. I don't care for bought pies as they usually don't have enough filling for us! Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh, Granny, I am so sorry about that office building. And it seems not long ago that huge house went in next door, too. I would start feeling claustrophobic about now.

  4. We know about large new buildings blocking our sky.

  5. So sorry to hear that your view is going to be blocked. What a shame. Sorry your pie didn't turn out so good either. Time to move on to a new day!

  6. What a pity! Its nearly a catastrophe! But I (and you!) know, you always have your midst in your great heart, and there always the sun of the Lord is shining and nobody can make shadows against!

  7. Trying to look on the bright side, you'll be close if you need any medical care between the hospital and the offices! I wouldn't like a big building that close either. Our favorite store bought pies are from Costo but that's just at Thanksgiving. I rarely buy pies otherwise. We have been trying to cut back on sugar although I haven't been hugely successful at it! I do love my chocolate.
    I hope you're having a lovely Saturday.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. I recently bought a chicken pot pie at a country store and never even thought about saving it to PI Day!! It was good, though and I even have a tad left over for another meal.

  9. Quite a big building going up. Too bad that it will be blocking your sunshine.

  10. Just imagine all the concrete that is taking? Yards and yards and yards!

  11. So disappointing when you buy something and it is tasteless, I suppose its to cut down on costs to use less filling, but at least yours was for a good cause.

  12. Sorry about the new building that will block for the sunshine and the view. I had not heard about PI day, had to Google it :) Have a nice Sunday!

  13. Sad about the building blocking the Sun...and what kind of pie was it? Fruit?

  14. That's a holiday I must remember next year!

  15. It's a shame that your view and share of sunshine will be impeded, but it's surprising how quickly we adapt (because we have to!)
    Your pie has just proved again that homemade is best :-)

  16. We also will have 19C this week.
    We may also have building next to our house nothing very nice at all!
