Monday 4 March 2024

Snow and Baby Goats


Once again we had snow overnight and into the morning. Not many people were out walking; no doubt they were afraid that the paths would be slippery but they weren't.

from the internet

Our weekend was quiet. Youngest son and granddaughter Kate came to play Dominoes on Sunday afternoon ( I won!)   Kate had been to visit a friend who raises goats. She's an animal lover and who can resist cute kids!!

 Now it's on to all the usual Monday routine.  In addition to laundry I will make Rice Pudding in order to use up milk that is about to "turn".  Do you have a favourite way to avoid having to waste milk that's been in the fridge too long?



  1. When my milk goes sour I use it in cornbread and other baking recipes, cakes, pancakes, biscuits etc. Those baby goats are so cute :)

  2. Rice pudding is such a favourite of mine! I freeze all my milk and only take out a pint at a time so there isnt often any wastage,

  3. I don't often have milk that long.
    We are doing housework and laundry too, and then later we will gather to celebrate Jill's 51st birthday. March forth!

  4. Very beautiful goats! Maybe turn the milk into yogurt. Good Week!

  5. Great post!

    I can't believe such a big amount of new snow!! But I DO believe! I must tell you, that I LOVE snow. Here in the Bavarian Forest it's mild now, but who knows, maybe king "Snow" will visit us again before Easter! ?

    What a cute goat-baby in the loving arms of your dear granddaughter! What a blessing, that there are people in this world, who love animals with heart and soul !

    You know, that Monday also is my laundry day :) When milk is near to " turn", I make some milk-pudding, or milk-rice. I also don't want to waist the product of our friends, the cows.

  6. That's a cute picture of the goats. My Monday routine was doing laundry and changing the bedding this morning. Then we went to the store for some things for Mom and visited with her for awhile. Hope you're staying warm with all of that snow.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. The goats are so cute. I had a couple of them follow me one day on a walk. :)

  8. Rice pudding sounds great! What a nice way to use up your milk! Love the goats too!

  9. Rice pudding is such a comforting food, and good for using up milk. Cute goats. We had snow today - a mad flurry that dumped an inch or so late afternoon. So strange.

  10. I bake rice pudding like you. Here it is getting colder everyday I hope the weather will be warmer soon. I used to have baby goats in the past and I loved them they were tiny goats.

  11. We have had three days of sunshine in a row here! So thankful for it. Sunshine is a motivator for me. Thank you for sharing the pictures of the goats and your granddaughter. They are all precious...especially your granddaughter.

  12. Ohhh rice pudding so yummy. I usually try to make something I never know what when the milk is due to expire.
    So sorry about the snow It is hard to see it falling this time of year

  13. The goats sure are cute. The rice pudding sounds delicious. Hope you will have a Happy Spring and Happy Easter!

  14. Supposed to be above freezing for two week except for two nights.

  15. Yes, I use almond milk. Had to start because of lactose intolerance but then I found out it last for weeks in your fridge. Since I live alone I wasn't using up milk before it went bad and this really changed things for me. Yes, it's more expensive but you don't end up pouring part of it down the drain either. Next time you are in the grocer check out the expiration dates on both the regular milk and the almond milk. I think you'll be shocked.
