Saturday, 30 March 2024

Happy Easter

Happy and Blessed Easter to each one who comes to visit here.  May this special season be a time of
peace and joy and hopefully lovely weather.

I baked Paska (Easter bread).  My Mom always made hers in traditional round pans just like in this picture.  It would be iced and topped with pretty sprinkles.  My family prefers more icing so I ice the flat side of each slice and omit the sprinkles ( which no one is fond of).




I'll be back next week....can you believe it's going to be APRIL ?    GM


  1. Thank you and Happy Easter to you and your family.
    The bread looks fabulous.
    Our Savior Lives!!

  2. Happy Blessed Easter! I make paska no icing/no sprinkles, although I would not be adverse to giving it ago....others not so much. I didn't make mine round this year as sometimes they stick and I cannot get it out. So I made loaves. What kind of pan/bowl do you bake yours in? I usually use pyrex bowls which you can bake it.

  3. Blessed and happy Resurrection Day to you and to all your family including Kitty ! !
    A loving Granny always is looking after the special wishes of her children and grandchildren and family-members and is baking the best cakes to make for all a happy Easter!

  4. Happy Resurrection Sunday to you too! He IS RIsen!
    Blessings and love,

  5. Happy Easter, and Spring!, to you and yours too.

  6. A beautiful and Blessed Easter to you and your family!

  7. A very Happy Easter to you GM and Family- stay well there in Canada. KEV. (Sydney-Australia).

  8. Happy Easter. He is Risen indeed.

  9. Happy Easter.
    My good wishes too for the new month of April.

    All the best Jan

  10. I hope your Easter was beautiful! I can't help but sing He's Alive, He's alive! Happy April! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Hope you have had a beautiful Easter Sunday. Easter bread sound good. Paska, I will have to look that up.

  12. Happy Easter! Can I have some of that Paska?

  13. What a blessing that you continue to make the Easter bread that your mother would make, but you do it to suit the tastes of your family. I trust you had a lovely Easter.
