Saturday, 5 October 2024

A Birthday and Garden Clean-up


 It's Kate's birthday today. She's our oldest grandchild and we've been so fortunate to have her in our lives. She's a real sweetie. Auntie Sheila posted this picture on Facebook and I stole it๐Ÿ’—

 Another thing that happened today was Pumpkin pies!!  Three of them and not one looked as perfect as the one on the 'net.  But they'll taste just fine.

 Yesterday we had heavy rain in the morning. In spite of umbrellas we came home quite wet. Today was cloudy but no rain. Very nice day to be outside. Eldest and Youngest came to help again. All  the Morning Glories that were covering the arbour are gone.

The wild area has been tamed.

In the background you can see the big building that is slowly getting done. With all the concrete that has gone into it it should stand for a very long time!  The little office with the orange door is  temporary, of course,  sits on the upper parking area. There is also underground parking below.

Have a lovely Sunday




  1. Your yard is looking it has had a spa day.

  2. Happy Birthday to Kate! Oh, to be that young again!! Oh well. Hope she had a nice one.

  3. That certainly is a very big building.

  4. Happy Birthday to Kate!! I'll be making pumpkin pies next month. :) They don't have to look perfect to taste yummy!
    They did a great job on the garden.

  5. happy birthday to Kate! Pumpkin pies are my favorite I do not bake them as husband does not care for them that much.
    Your place is looking great what great help you are getting.

  6. Happy birthday to Kate! Your yard is very nice ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  7. Nice to have such helpful garden crews. We haven't done much garden take down yet.

  8. Sure glad you have all those good helpers to get your place in shape! I bet your pumpkin pies were awesome.

  9. So nice to have family to help in the garden - did they help you eat your yummy pumpkin pies?

  10. The area of the garden being tamed looks lovely. Three pies? Did you bake them? Happy Birthday to your niece Kate!

  11. Nice help! Happy Birthday to your Granddaughter!

  12. What a cute picture of the birthday girl. Pumpkin pie sounds delicious right about now. How nice to have the wild area tamed. Looks like you have great helpers.

  13. Happy Birthday to Kate.
    It's definitely the season for pumpkin pies.

    All the best Jan

  14. Love your garden and nice to have helpers!
    The building is certainly too big!

  15. I seem to be behind in reading your blog. Belated birthday wishes to Kate! Lovely photo of Auntie & niece. Your yard looks so neat after the hard work of tidying!

  16. I could use a work crew like that at my place! Your garden is looking very spiffy now -- you've all inspired me to go out and do some sweeping <3

    Gretchen Joanna
