Wednesday 16 October 2024

A Fall, Placemats, and a Dahlia


It's a wet morning, in fact, it's a very wet week. I won't be out there walking because I carelessly fell on the stairs and will have to wait until my foot heals ( when I fell I landed on my foot.)   It's scary how quickly things can happen.

Before the mishap we took a few boxes to the thrift store and I popped in to look around. All I got was a couple of Christmas place mats. I didn't need them but they were hand done and I have a hard time leaving pretty handwork behind. They were just a dollar for the pair.


Eldest brought me this dahlia which came from a friend's allotment garden.  Isn't it big? I used to grow dahlias but one winter I left them in the ground after piling branches and mulch over them but they didn't survive.

Thanks for coming by.


  1. I'm sorry you have had a fall. Having had one recently, I know how it can affect your life. Take care.

  2. Mary, the elderly have to pay attention to where we walk. I'm sorry for what happened to you.
    Although sometimes being attentive is not enough. I also fell and fractured an incisor tooth, I am currently in the middle of dental implant treatment.

  3. Sorry to hear about your foot. Hope it gets better quickly.

  4. It is scary how quickly and unexpectedly a fall can happen. I'm sorry it happened to you and hope it won't be too long until your foot is healed.
    What a great price for those two pretty placemats.
    The dahlia is gorgeous!

  5. Your dahlia is beautiful. I'm so about your foot and hope it heals well and quickly. You're right that things happen very quickly. When Dennis stepped backward off of the truck tailgate last year. we couldn't believe how that took over our life for awhile.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I admire your restraint, taking two boxes and coming home with just two place mats. :-)
    I'm sorry to hear that you had a fall. I know walking is important to you. Take care and get better.
