Thursday, 15 June 2023

Scenes from our Morning Walk and Info on Savory

Another beautiful morning. This little duck family was well camouflaged.

 We walk right under this huge old Catalpa tree which is blooming at this time of the year and has a wonderful scent. 

 Regarding Winter Savory and what I use it for....I have always grown Summer Savory which has self-seeded until this year when none seemed to come up at least not where I expected it to grow. Then when the Winter Savory showed up I cut and froze some and will see if it is as useful a herb as the Summer S.  Our absolute favourite soup is Green Bean and a vital ingredient in it is the Savory.  When I freeze the cut up beans I include the little bouquet of Savory right in the bag.  I'll include some info from the internet that you can skip if it doesn't interest you.

Summer savory is among the best known of the savory genus. It is an annual, but otherwise is similar in use and flavor to the perennial winter savory. It is used more often than winter savory, which has a slightly more bitter flavor.


Satureja montana, is a perennial, semi-evergreen herb in the family Lamiaceae, native to warm temperate regions of southern Europe, the Mediterranean, and Africa. It has dark green leaves and summer flowers ranging from pale lavender, or pink to white. The closely related summer savory is an annual plant. Wikipedia

Thanks for visiting,  GM




  1. I like seeing where you take your morning walk. So pretty around the lake.

  2. How fun to have such a nice place to walk every day. The duck family is definitely well camoflauged and the tree is beautiful.

  3. I planted summer savory from seed this year, in the greenhouse, and it was one of the most successful starts. Now I have several plants in the garden, all starting to flower. Hmmm... I haven't used any of it, so I hope it does self-sow, and maybe I will do better at using it next spring.

  4. Thanks for the info on winter savory. Very interesting!

  5. I really did not recognize the duck-babies at once! :))
    What a wonderful big tree with a special scent. I never saw this before.
    Savory is very fine for any soup with beans. Special info of a good garden- Granny!!!

  6. A huge catalpa! Does it have 'beans'?

  7. Interesting about Savory. I don't use Mother In Law used to put a big old bay leaf on a beef roast to cook. Not sure gave her roast beef a different taste! :)

  8. What a good idea to put a little summer savory in with the frozen green beans. I'll try to remember that trick!

  9. Pretty place to take a walk. Never heard of green bean soup, though I love green beans. Savory is not an herb I'm familiar with either, so thanks for the info.

  10. Summer Savory is very interesting. We don't have any in my section of the country. Sounds like a good thing to raise.
