Sunday 23 June 2024

Miss Kitty and some flowers

I was tying up a Clematis near the arbour in the front when I felt something pat the top of my head.
Kitty had climbed up to watch me and wanted my attention.

 I took some random pictures of pots of flowers, mostly annuals.

Have a wonderful start to the new week. Ours is going to be a mix of sunshine and some showers. I'm hoping to roll up the hose and not need to do any watering.    Thanks for visiting



  1. Your garden is really lovely. I really like the white pergolas and the kitty that came up to see you. Petunias are diverse and beautiful, as are carnations. The yellow lilies are fantastic!!
    Have a great week Grany Marigold!

  2. Love Kitty! SO pretty!
    Hoping you enjoy those showers...going to be just plain hot here in central Texas.
    Happy week!

  3. Lovely cat, and lovely flowers!

  4. Your flowers are absolutely beautiful! You certainly have a green thumb!

  5. On our grey dreary day, it is lovely to see your bright beautiful flowers :)

  6. Kitty is the best professional climber :) Nice, when she touched your head softly to get your attention :)

    Wonderful colors of your flowers! I recognize:
    Poppy, Petunia, Lilies, Cloves and pink ...? ...

  7. Kitty patting your head. How cute, and fun.

  8. What a funny cat! A real character, I bet.
    Your flowers look just beautiful. Ours are struggling hard in this heat.

  9. Miss Kitty sure gets around. Great shots of her.
    Beautiful flowers - spotted those striped petunias. :)

  10. You always have such beautiful pictures of your flowers. I just love them. Love your kitty too.

  11. We have a new cat coming in our garden while the dog was at the kennel and yesterday he was watching me through the door window.
    We are having heat and sun, but it will be suddenly very hot from 19C up to 31C!
    I wish you a lovely week.

  12. Miss Kitty obviously loves you a lot. She looks happy to be outside. Your flowers are just stunning. I hope you get the rain you want so you don't have to water.

  13. Your garden sounds delightful, and it's always nice to have a little help from a curious kitty! Your pictures of the flowers must be beautiful and add a touch of joy to your day.

    Read my new post!

  14. Your garden sounds delightful, and it's always nice to have a little help from a curious kitty! Your pictures of the flowers must be beautiful and add a touch of joy to your day.

    Read my new post!

  15. You are surrounded by Kitty patting the top of your head. I seem to call all cats Kitty any more...daughter's cats actual name is Charlotte, Charlie for short....but I call her Kitty.

  16. Such pretty plants! The kitty wanted attention!

  17. Pretty kitty and lovely flowers.

    All the best Jan
