Thursday 13 June 2024

What I'm Reading

 Things are very quiet and peaceful around here. Grocery shopping this morning.  A bit of puttering in the garden after lunch.  Reading. I finished reading the third book that Susan Branch wrote about her life; the first is about her life as a child, teenager and then her first marriage. The second is about her move from California to Martha's Vineyard on the east coast after the divorce. The third book, and in my opinion the best one, is about meeting Joe and  her second marriage and their 3 month trip to England. Of course visiting Beatrix Potter's home was the highlight of her time there. 


 Also this week I reread the shortest of Miss Read's books...Early Days, in which she writes of her life until about the age of 11.  It's a lovely story written in her inimitable style which has endeared her to so many of her fans.

So that is what I've been doing.  Father's Day is this Sunday and that will mean family coming over.
The weather forecast is not too promising so we'll hope for the best. We do have a fairly large covered area where we can sit comfortably even if there are showers. I just hope there won't be any wind. We seem to have had quite a few blustery days recently.


Thanks for coming by




  1. Love the housekeeping tip. I'll have to keep that in mind. My issue is dog hair. How on earth can a dog the size of Zoey shed so much? That was my one requirement in a dog. No shedding. Of course the people we got her and Lizzie from lied to us about their ancestry. Now we love them and can't part with them. :-)
    It sounds like you've had lots of good books to read. Enjoy!

  2. I have read all the Miss Read Fairacre books and am now making my way through her Thrush Green books. All so enjoyable. Hope you have a good Father's Day celebration at your house! We will put steaks on the grill. Papa's choice!

  3. I'm glad it's all calm there.
    It is the best to read favorite books!
    Susan Branch's books look interesting!

  4. Love the quote! And, you know, you really have an amazing collection of china cups, so pretty :)

  5. It sounds like nice books to read. I found that Susan Branch has a blog too, I will foolow that. I like dthe housekeeping tip :D

  6. I love that good housekeeping tip! You have been getting a lot of reading done...I used to be like that but not so.much any more. Though I am trying to get back to it.

  7. Your library must have a great selection of books if they have the Susan Branch ones on their shelves! I enjoy her blog but have never read her books yet. Our family came down last weekend for Father's Day since this weekend didn't work for everyone. I hope you have a great day with your family! And I love that housekeeping tip with the getwell cards - I sure could have used that yesterday!!!! Why is it no one ever drops in when the house is in order? Murphy's Law, I guess!

    1. The Susan Branch books are mine and if only you lived closer I'd pass them on to you.

  8. I have a Miss Read book next on my pile of to read books. I'm reading the Fairacre series.
    The household hint gave me a chuckle.

  9. Re your comment about Lorelei and driving. She will get her learners permit and practice driving with a licensed driver. Then after she feels she can she will take actual driving test at Bureu of Motor Vehicles.

  10. Ah! Susan Branch!! A real fan here! Love her cookbooks, and also the trilogy you mentioned. I’ve been blessed to meet her at a book signing eight years ago, then was one of the passengers on the Queen Mary 2 from New York City to Southampton in May 2022. There were approximately 90 of us Susan Branch “girlfriends” on the ship, and we met together with Susan several times.

  11. I never thought about the possibility of my library carrying Susan Branch's books, but I checked just now and they do have a couple at least. So I put a hold on Martha's Vineyard and am looking forward to having it in the house long enough to leisurely pore over it <3

    Gretchen Joanna

  12. Thanks for your tip. I even found her blog. It has also been publishing a calendar for many years.
    I wish you a happy weekend.
    Viola sends you many kind regards

  13. Quiet days are also a present! Quiet peaceful soul - quiet days..

    A good book opens the world, when the soul is closed in bad weather..

    I wish you a successful, nice and wonderful family-meeting on Father's Day tomorrow!

    Best wishes for good weather, and even, when it will be raining, please without terrible wind! I understand, what you feel....

  14. Quiet and peaceful and reading a good book sound good to me!

  15. That are new books for me. Have a good Saterday and Sunday

  16. Sounds so nice to have a quiet day! I need one of those.
    Have not read either author, but I will look for them.
    It will be hot, hot, hot here. Yuck.

  17. the housekeeping tip!

  18. Cute graphic, and it's not a bad idea! lol Thanks for sharing the books, I'm always looking for something to read!!
