Saturday 29 June 2024




 We had a beautiful mostly sunny day which was a surprise because once again it was not forecast.
 Our walk was pleasant and we saw several duck families on the water. None were close enough for a good picture.

 Later we visited a farm market that we hadn't gone to for years. It's a little out of the way and since there are closer ones we just shop at those. We found the prices high so we won't be going back.

 Right next to that market an enormous house is being built. I took a quick picture. Because it's out in the country I suppose any size house is allowed.

 I hope you had a lovely day.  Thanks for visiting.


  1. Is that really a house? It looks like a Hotel to me. Wow. Oh the fruits at that farm market look so delicious. I'd like to have a big bowl of them sitting by me tonight!!! Glad you had a nice walk. I always enjoy your posts! Take care Granny!

  2. My goodness, people would get lost living in a house that size! It is good to visit places occasionally (like that Market), even if it is just to decide you don't want to return there again. I like your little supermarket joke :)

  3. The wooden house is very beautiful!
    Your walk seems to have been nice since you also saw the duck families!!
    The fruits look fresh but expensive!!
    Have a nice Sunday Granny Marigold🧡

  4. It's SO expensive to shop these days!
    Wish we had a good farmers market around here!

  5. Wow, that house is gigantic! It will be interesting to see what it looks like once completed. I was rather shocked at the price of the 15 pound box of strawberries - is that the normal rate around there?

    1. My daughter told me the price of pre-picked strawberries here is $27 per ice cream pail so I obviously am out of touch. I can remember when they were $7. per pail.

  6. Wow that sure is a huge house. I'd get lost in it. :)
    The berries sure look good!!

  7. I wonder how many people will live in that gigantic house!

  8. That house looks almost big enough to be a hotel....I hope someday you can go back after it is finished. I am constantly amazed at the prices of fresh fruit and vegetables. Here a local fruit and vegetable place had strawberries...and the u-pick price was almost worse than buy quarts already picked. And I am not exaggerating. Of course if you pick your own, you at least can get all nice strawberries.

  9. All those punnets of soft fruits looked delicious, and what a house!

  10. - Maybe it will be a hotel. -
    I love berries :-)
    Hug to you.

  11. The fruit looks delicious, but I can understand that sometimes things are just too pricey. That certainly is a big house. I'd love to see a picture of it when it's finished.

  12. Wonderful landscape!
    Not always the forecast can see the weather before, here the same. We have several thunderstorms, but not as strong as in other parts of Germany.
    Will you cook some fine jam?
    The house looks like in a great film :))))

  13. SO expensive ! And such a BIG house!

  14. I would hate to clean that house once it is finished! Yes groceries are expensive.

  15. OMG!! That house is huge!!!! The berries ate the market look good, it's a shame things were pricey. Beautiful picture even if the ducks weren't close to you.

  16. I really don't understand huge houses. Do the people who live in them never go outside? I once was a guest in a house so big i almost got lost in it. They had an art room, music room, library, billiards room, exercise room, two huge kitchens, and on and on. I had to make a mental map to find my way back and forth to my room. Crazy.
    The price on those strawberries, wow! I guess I am out of touch too. Our little patch suddenly looks quite valuable!
