Thursday 18 July 2024

Lily pads and Vegetables

 For days there has been a machine similar to this one on the lake clearing at least some of the lily pads that can totally cover the surface. I kept forgetting to get a picture until today when I got one of dealing with the pile of leaves that had been dumped at the edge of the lake.

 Today was also grocery shopping day. I prefer to buy my vegetables at a smaller market. I got a lovely assortment all for $12. Hot weather or not there will be soup on tomorrow's menu.

 The weather continues to be sunny and hot. Hopefully we'll get a break one of these days.

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  1. I dislike deciding whats for dinner too! That is a great weed eater!

  2. I imagine your lake would have been completely swamped by greenery!

  3. Will try this again, If it is a repeat, just delete it. Blogger is doing this thing where it acts like it doesn't go through, but I think they do sometimes. I so would enjoy not having to decide what to cook every single day. I actually don't mind cooking if it is something Roger will eat, but he does not like the same foods as he used to, and sure does not eat as much.

  4. Those lilies can grow fast! Cool shots!
    Happy weekend!

  5. I love your little quote - reminds me of when I used to say to my kids (a lifetime ago) that I wish someone would send me to MY room and tell me to stay there quietly until it was time to come to the table - if only, eh?

  6. Your veggies all look so fresh. I compared the price with ours (did the exchange rate thing too), and they would be costing us about a third more than the prices I saw yesterday. But the ones I saw didn't look nearly as good as yours! Enjoy your soup :)

  7. That is an interesting machine. I love water lilies but I know they can be a problem.
    About cooking: yes, it gets difficult to think what to cook every day. Fortunately I have a man who doesn't mind leftovers, because I have never been able to adjust to cooking for 2! So we may have the same thing 2 or 3 days in a row. I don't mind and neither does he, and it sure cuts down the planning and cooking time.

  8. Great machine there for clearing the lily pads and leaves.
    Vegetables look so nice and fresh.
    LOVE the quote!!

  9. Love that quote! So true!
    Have a happy weekend now :)

  10. Hello! from the other end of the American continent I come to greet you, I come from Jan's blog and I find a blog where you tell interesting things and they allow us to know how it is lived there at this time with a lot of heat, here it is cold. I love amaryllis, I had but they took a long time to give us their flowering.
    Greetings from

  11. Those vegetables look very nice ... enjoy your soup.

    All the best Jan

  12. I think, a soup made of lily pads is not so very delicious, but there is a lot of them! :)))))
    I would prefer your vegetable soup!!!

    I really LOVE the quote!!! :))))))

  13. Thank you for stopping by to say hello! I stay as a follower to enjoy what you write.
