Saturday, 11 January 2025

Chit Chat

 7C and a light rain falling makes for a damp and rather dreary day. I dismantled the tree and of course I dropped one ball. It seems to happen every single year. Luckily it was not a particularly special one.

 Middle son manages a complex of townhouses and apartments 5 days a week but on weekends he likes to bake. I bake too but I tend to stick with the tried and true while he likes to experiment. Right now the wonderful smell of roasted garlic fills the house ( he's making focaccia) and earlier he brought up a couple of crumpets that he just made. It was his first time making them and although I'm not a big fan of crumpets they were very good.

 Not much else happening here. I finished the Ann Cleeves book and enjoyed it. We used to watch Vera on TV and she is the main character in this book so of course all the time that I'm reading about her I'm visualizing Brenda Blethyn.

I'm surprised at how many have memories of either having had perms or had otherwise smelled that awful chemical smell. Thanks for all the comments!!

And thanks for visiting today.


  1. Now all you need is a vase of flowers to brighten the room now the Christmas decorations have gone...

    1. She had 2 vases in the kitchen on Friday and she'll have fresh flowers tomorrow again :)
      - Eldest Daughter

  2. Sory about the broken ball but how lucky you are with your baker son. Yummy. I can almost smell the garlic.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. We've watched all the seasons of Vera and I've been meaning to read the books!!
    I'd rather bake then cook.:).
    Oh too bad about the broken ornament.

  4. My Christmas-Tree still is standing untouched in the room because I'm still not ready to say good bye :)
    In the church the tree is standing till Febr. 2th. This is Candlemas Day. But in the church it is colder, and at home the tree will be too dry until Candlemas.

  5. Oh the crumpet looks great ...with jam:)

  6. I dropped 2 un-decorating my tree, and 4 while decorating it. Two were rather special. I just seem to be more fumble-fingered this year.
    I have never had a crumpet! I need to look up a recipe.
    I tried watching Vera but just didn't like it. To me it seemed do dark and dreary, rather like the Shetland series. We watched a good bit of that and just tired of the grayness. Weird, right?
    I finished my book too, and started another. Just loving these snowy days!

  7. Christmas is over but things keep happening!
    Surely every year some ornament is broken from the tree,
    maybe to buy something new and to remember the special years!!
    Nice to finish the book!!
    A cup of tea and relax!

  8. I always manage to drop a ball from our
    Those crumpets look delicious!

  9. I had never heard about Crumpets, but now I have looked up an recipe and learned about it :) I like very much to watch Vera!

  10. I have four or five cookie recipes that I swap out on. I didn't put anything breakable on our tree this year, making it the one and only time that I didn't break something.

  11. Shame about the broken ornament!
    That focaccia sounds good.

    All the best Jan

  12. The crumpets sounds delish, as does the focaccia bread.

  13. I just watched the last Vera show! Season 14 had two episodes...and she resigns...I have listened to one of Ann Cleeves books and I too pictured Brenda Blethyn...

  14. I'm sorry about the broken ornament. That does happen now and then here, too.

    Crumpets look delicious. That's something I've never tried making.

  15. I envy you a bit for having a baker in the family!
