Saturday, 18 January 2025

My Saturday


 I just came in from bringing in my geraniums from the porch. The forecast low tonight ( and every night this week) is minus 3C  which might nip them. I don't want to take the chance.
It was a pleasant day for January. We walked at Willband this morning and again we saw so many swans on the water and also some flying over our heads as they left.... in search of breakfast?

With DH's help in the kitchen I made butter tarts and an apple pie (he peels and chops the apples). Middle son had mentioned that if I had the lard he'd make the dough and we'd each take half. That suited me just fine. I had to look up a recipe for butter tarts that didn't call for corn syrup ( my usual recipe did) and I found one that will replace my old recipe since I don't really use corn syrup in anything else.

That was my Saturday. Thanks for visiting.


sunrise at Willband. Photo not taken by me.






  1. It is also cold here, the wind is freezing! I took our geraniums inside a long time ago as it is unusually cold. Nice to have help for baking!

  2. Grandma, the image is beautiful. Worthy of being awarded!

  3. Butter Tarts..........I want one or a dozen. Was just talking with someone the other day about how good they are. We don't have them in the states, and when we used to travel to Canada, we'd bring back a bunch. I'm sipping some coffee as we speak, so one of your butter tarts would sure be nice.

  4. We have an enclosed 'sun room' on either end of the front extension. When cold weather moved in before Christmas I brought all the rosemary plants and geraniums harbored there into the center space that gets an overflow of heat from the main living area's wood stove. Every fall I consider letting some of these plants succumb to frost, but nearly all end up being cosseted for another season.

  5. I had to look up butter tarts. According to Wikipedia they are a highly reguarded Canadian treat. They sound much like pecan pie filling without the nuts.

  6. Nice to have the baking shared - making it and eating it. :)

  7. Sounds like a fun time in your kitchen with all the help! Stay warm, it is very cold here.

  8. Butter tarts. I"m going to have to look those up since I don't think I've ever heard of them. Do all of your children like to bake? It's COLD here too. In fact, it was so cold this morning that Hubby's diesel truck stopped on him on the way to church. Luckily we were driving separately because he had a meeting to go to after church so I was able to go pick him up. He was able to limp it home with the help of a couple of other guys later in the afternoon. It will stay parked for a few days because it's supposed to get even colder! This morning was -6 F and tonight and tomorrow night are supposed to be in the negative teens below zero F. It's the coldest we've had this winter but I saw tonight on the news that the gulf of Mexico is supposed to have snow this week!!!! Crazy!

  9. were busy making butter tarts and apple pie, They both sound good to me. We made blueberry muffins! And watched lots of NFL Playoff football games this weekend!

  10. Your Saturday sounds wonderful. I'm glad you have had a nice January so far. Ours has mostly been cold and snowy, but it's winter 🥶.

    Did you take pictures of your butter tarts? They sound delicious.

  11. The apple pie sounds great 👍

  12. Making butter tarts and apple pie sounds like a great way to spend time on a Saturday.
