Thursday, 9 January 2025

Remembering Perms, a Doll, and a Recipe

 When I was in elementary school I remember my Mom giving me a Toni. My hair had somewhat of a curl but the Toni made a big difference. When I got older I got perms in a salon....the perms of that day were "hot" perms. Does anyone remember those?  The apparatus that was used looked downright scary.
Those perms were thankfully replaced by "cold" perms. I kept my hair short and curly until one day I decided to quit the perms and let my hair grow. Now I either wear them in a pony tail or just pinned back with clips.


It's a lovely sunny winter day here. We met with DH's brothers and SILs for an early lunch. We meet with them once a month.

 On the way we dropped off some things at the thrift store.  Of course I had to browse, even if it was only for a short while. As I walked around a pretty doll caught my eye and although I had no intention of bringing her home she looked so sad at being unwanted that I checked the price. She cost .50. Can you believe it? Anyway she did find a home here. 

The recipe for the muffins that I made earlier this week is on All Recipes site and if you type in Fargosas  you'll have the recipe and any helpful tips.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Oh, I do remember that smell with my head in the sink! I stopped having perms a long time ago and slept on rollers to curl my hair, until I cut it all off and stopped curling it at all.

  2. I've never had a permanent. I have always liked long straight hair.

  3. Brave women! But crazy :) I always enjoy your fine hair on your photos, free and very good quality! The doll has found a good place now. I think, she is a really little soul.

  4. That perm apparatus is downright scary looking. My husband and I were just talking about perms. That conversation resulted from all the pictures we brought home from my mother-in-law's house where all the ladies seemed to have a perm during the 80s and 90s. My son said he didn't know that I used to have an afro. Ha Ha! I liked them for the volume they added, but they did take on a life of their own sometimes. And that smell... don't miss that a bit.
    How could you not rescue the doll at that price. She sure is pretty.
    Thanks so much for pointing me in the direction of the muffin recipe. I'm headed over there now.

  5. Perms! I used to have them when I was younger too. I have only ever had the ones like in the bottom, stinky, photo! Ha! Ha! I can smell it too. Unfortunately, my hair was so straight, a perm only lasted a few weeks and my hair was straight again. Now I don't even try. I think it's been about 35 years or so since my last perm. Oh, how I wanted pretty ringlets like a classmate had. She wanted straight hair. Just like in "real" life. We always seem to want the opposite of what we have.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I had forgotten about Toni perms! My mother never allowed us to have perms. I was 38 before I had my first one, and only had two more after that...they were called spiral perms. I wonder if those are still a thing.
    That's a cute doll! Bargain there.

  7. I had a permanent once, when I was about 22. You will be beautiful, the Italian hairdresser assured me in a strong accent. When I went to meet my husband he looked straight past me.

  8. No perms for me until I was adult and I had one that was it for me.
    Great bargain on the doll

  9. What memories! I remember having to sit and wait for mom while she got her perm at Miss Ketler's salon and the eye-watering stench of the solution! Thanks for pointing us to the recipe!

  10. Just a tip for anyone else looking for the's spelled Fargozas on the All Recipes site.

  11. What a sweet little doll to bring home and enjoy. And please... don't make me remember those perms! ha ha. Torture!

  12. My mom used to give me a toni perm. The smell in the kitchen would linger for a while. Yuck

  13. My hair has always been as straight as straight can be. When I was a youngster a family friend was the one who would give me my Toni's and also cut my hair. I'm with you...looking at the picture of the lady over the sink brought back that smell of the perms. Isn't it amazing how our brains can hold on to things like that?

    I like the way you and your husband's brothers and their wives get together once a month. I'm trying to convince my brothers to do the same thing. :)

    Thank you for the info about the recipe! I'm going to go check that out right now.

  14. I have never had a perm. But I remember having to go with my mom when she went to the hairdresser to get a perm. It was so boring to sit and wait. The doll will get a good home with you :)

  15. Yes I can still smell the perm solution!

  16. Perms used to be so smelly.
    They are much improved now ... thankfully :)

    All the best Jan

  17. At least you donated first...and that is not a bad price for something you like!

  18. I had cold perm but I remember the horrible smell
