Sunday 16 July 2023

A New Place to walk and a Garage Sale


Yesterday we drove 6 km to a lovely walking place. There's a  loop trail around a body of water that I think may be man-made. This picture was taken by someone else, a fellow walker. Some of the people we meet along the way have what looks like very fancy cameras and they obviously take much better pictures than I ever could. The setting with the hills in the background is quite lovely. Unfortunately the last 2 Saturdays when we've walked there I got bitten by some bug that has resulted in a red and swollen ankle :(


On the way back we stopped at a garage sale. The prices were very reasonable and I added to my doily collection. I don't know much about yarn but these seem to be made of fine thread??? 
They are pale tan in colour.

 I also bought a small tablecloth that has cross stitch designs on the corners and beautiful crocheted edging.  It fit perfectly on the Teddy Bears table. I found some teacups as well but I forgot to take a picture of them. Next post.

 Thanks for visiting,   GM


  1. Those doilies are lovely! I wonder if their color is from age, or from the original color of the thread....

    It's nice to have a different place to walk -- I wonder that they have different bugs, being not so far away...? I hope the bites don't bother you as long as mine did, that I got sometime last month, not in my own territory. The several itchy swellings would not go away or stop itching for ten days or more.

  2. My gramma made doilies like that and used crochet cord and I think it comes in different thicknesses.
    Nice to walk around the lake but not getting bit!!!

  3. I love your doilies! I'm always on the look-out for handmade items like these and your pretty tablecloth. They seem to be getting harder to find these days, maybe because others are now also appreciating the beauty of them. Enjoy your day :)

  4. What a beautiful place to walk. You are very lucky. I miss the mountains terribly, especially after our visit last week.
    You found some treasures at the garage sale. Good for you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Your teddies look very pleased with the new cloth!

  6. Love the doilies! They look like my placemats! Pretty...
    Have a wonderful week!

  7. I love your finds, very nice.
    The walking place looks a very nice place beautiful scenery

  8. I'm assuming that is Willband Creek! Such a beautiful spot, although I never see any of the wildlife that others seem to.
    - Sheila
