Monday, 4 December 2023

A Cake and some Answers

Sheila brought a cake when she came to play Dominoes yesterday. It was a kind none of us had ever tasted. We all agreed that it was scrumptious!  Apparently it's a traditional Italian Christmas cake.

I finished reading this book that I requested from the library.  I read it years ago and just wanted to read it again.  It's very interesting  and based on a nurse's experiences on a remote Scottish Island.

 Not much to write about on this very rainy Monday.  At least it's not snow like some of the eastern provinces are getting.

I thought I'd answer two questions here, that came up in my comments. 

Ellabie: Yes, I do cook up my pie filling the day before so it's chilled when I pour it into the pie crust before baking.

Gretchen Joanna: You wondered about the chocolate balls. Yes, they do contain peanut butter.

I don't think there were any other questions. 


Added later...Linda (Linda Letters) I'm so glad that the tree that fell during the wind storm didn't do serious damage, like to your house or something..

Thanks for visiting


  1. Oh my...that cake that Sheila brought looks delicious! I have books that I enjoy rereading also. :)

  2. WOW! That cake looks wonderful. I wish I could have a bite. :-) Would you give us the recipe for the chocolate balls?
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Very interesting cake . . . isn't it fun to try new desserts :)

  4. I have never tried that cake either.
    We had snow most of the day yesterday. It made it look very much like Christmas

  5. Cake looks good and is in an unusual shape.

  6. The Italy-cake looks very nice! As if snow has fallen on it's surface!
    Fine custom to meet together to play some Domino!

  7. Old books are my favorites like very good old friends and always new!

  8. Looks like the cake has lemon curd, sounds good to me. We rarely have cake:)

  9. I just had a piece of this Italian cake this afternoon with a hot chocolate!
