Monday 2 September 2024

Holiday Monday


 We walked in a park where we've only been a few times. The walk is shorter than our usual ones and ends abruptly at a bridge that washed out a few years ago when the area flooded. 

 There's a sweet little stream that flows beside the path and we enjoyed the sound as we walked.

 We passed 3 or 4 of these bridges.

 Here is where the path ends.

 The last time we visited this park was in late Fall and the stream was much deeper. There were fish  spawning. I must ask DH if he remembers were they salmon.

It was Labour Day but for me it was still laundry as usual. I did a bit of baking since it was cloudy and cool. As the week progresses the temperature rises and we'll be back to hot.

Thanks for coming by


  1. That would be such a pleasant place to walk. Laundry is always with us...

  2. It looks and sounds as if it were a beautiful walk, even if it was shorter than usual. I love that little stream and the bridges.
    We're out camping and it's so gorgeous and quiet here. Just retirees left after what we're told was a full capacity crowd over the weekend. The weather is just a bit nippy, which we're enjoying immensely after the past months of heat. It is supposed to gradually warm up again over the week but we'll enjoy it while the coolness is here. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. So restful! And yes, Labor Day here...which meant I was laboring. No rest for the wicked or the housewife!

  4. We were back home on Monday, Labor Day, and it was laundry and housekeeping day for us too.
    I'll get to my post on our Sunday picnic pretty soo.

  5. I love walking beside little streams with their tinkling water. It is such a soothing pleasant experience, and your walk sounds just like that :) xx

  6. I like seeing the path you took, with the stream and the bridges. I hope when the days get warm again that you'll be able to take your walks in the morning or evening. It's getting hot here today, and tomorrow. But the peak of temperature will not last so long as it would have, a month ago.

    Gretchen Joanna

  7. What a lovely place to walk with having that stream right by it. Those bridges are so adorable. Viewing your pictures reminded me of the summer before our grandson started his senior year of high school. I went and spent a week so he and I could have some time together. Each morning, we would take a walk in a park not far from their house and it had a stream beside the walking path. I have some pictures of that too.

    Reading that even though it was Labor Day yesterday it was still laundry day for you made me think of my mom. We would be excited that it was going to be a day off from school and would ask her what we were going to do. Her reply was always the same, "It's Labor Day so we are going to labor." And she was serious...and we did! :)

  8. Hi GM! Labor Day is usually laced with labor! LOL! Your walk looks nice. I am sorry it's going to get hot again. I like a sunny fall but not a sweaty one! xoPom Pom

  9. That looks like a lovely place to walk. Laundry seems like a daily task even without children at home.

  10. Sounds like a nice walk. Could someone walk on the beams to the other side? There is always laundry to do!!

  11. You had a lovely weekend except the laundry lol. hard to believe that the water rages through there but I know it happens here also.

  12. Always nice to enjoy a walk ...

    All the best Jan

  13. A fascinating way to walk..

    Oh there was a big problem with rain...

    The climate-changing is crazy, and we have to live with this situation also here in Europe.

    The Lord may safe us...

  14. Looks like a great place to walk. Very pretty with the bridges. Too bad that one area hasn't been rebuilt.
