Friday 6 September 2024

This and That

 Our hot weather continues and  not much gets done outside after 9 A.M.  I water the plants that most need it and the rest have to fend for themselves. The tomatoes are doing great and the parsley, which I grow mostly because my rabbit loves it, is huge.  (There are volunteer Rudbeckias growing in with everything else in what is supposed to be a herb bed).

 My neighbour came across the street to ask if I could use some beets and potatoes.  This is the neighbour that took two of Miss Kitty's kittens. She reminded me that the kittens ( now full grown) turned 2 this week. She and her husband are true cat lovers💗.  From time to time she brings over special treats for Kitty.  She sees her out on the driveway and often tries to pet her but Kitty won't let many people get that close. Of course the neighbours keep their cats indoors at all times. I see them sitting on a windowsill and looking out at the world.

 No plans here for the weekend. The heat will last until the beginning of next week according to the forecast. We'll be trying to keep cool.

In the comments on Clayborn Village Betsy wondered if the old brick houses were kept as museums or lived in. They are very much lived in and loved by the looks of them.

Another comment was by someone anonymous that has actually been there and visited the store. How I wish I knew who that someone was. Please don't be shy!!!

As a blogger do you ever go check your stats?  I see that 77 people visited this last post of which I believe 15 commented.  When you go looking at a blog that you don't normally visit do you leave a comment?  I'm curious. I try to but don't always. 

Thanks for visiting


  1. I wondered about if those sweet houses were lived in too.
    I almost always comment because I like comments and I think that's how you play the game.

  2. I check stats and I do comment. I like to say hi at least.

  3. I have loads of parsley right now, too. But not as huge as yours! This year I seem to have planted parsley at the right time, so it didn't bolt immediately. And I wanted to be sure I always have some, so I planted a lot, and it's all doing well - so I have way more than enough. I should plant some more soon, so that it will be coming along when this batch does go to seed... This month I'm trying out some parsely soup recipes :-)

    I didn't remember that you had a rabbit -- I suppose you have to give it grain, too?

    1. Bunny always has access to Rabbit pellets which are made of compressed hay. She much prefers greens but the pellets are her main food. She usually has lettuce or parsley. She loves cilantro ( I detest it) and of course she likes carrots.

  4. That is certainly one big parsley plant!
    I like checking my blog stats to see what countries my visitors come from. I find it fascinating that our viewers come from all over the world :)

  5. That was kind of your neighbor to bring you potatoes and beets.

    I do check the stats on my blogs and it always shows that more people visited than left comments. I enjoy seeing where different people are visiting from also by the widget I have on the blog below the follow widget on the side bar. And yes, I do leave a comment anytime i visit a blog.

  6. Wow the kitties are 2 already!!!
    How nice to receive the potatoes and beets!!
    Yes, I do look at my stats. I almost always comment when I visit a blog because I like it when people leave me comments.

  7. We have beautiful weather but some much needed rain coming in Sat night.
    no pets here for us. We both feel that they are expensive and we can't just come and go at will like we do now.

  8. You sure have a nice neighbor to bring you those veggies. And how nice that you can see her kitties in the windows sometimes. It's so cool here I had to turn the heat on today. We will get 80s next week though! Stay cool there Granny!

  9. Thanks for answering my question. I would love to live in one of those houses! I usually comment, but not if I'm short on time. Since I love comments, I try to repay the kindness. Our friends in Spokane have told us it's hot up there. We've had a lovely couple of days with the windows open but after tomorrow it's going to be in the upper 80's & 90's for awhile again. Yuck. The A/C will be back on again.
    Enjoy your Saturday!
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Our Miss Kitty is an indoor/outdoor cat. She was feral and we've incorporated her into our family.
    Our last cat, Kiki, was also indoor/outdoor raised from a kitten...she lived to be 18.
    And yes... I always leave a comment.

  11. We are having a cool day today....not supposed to even reach 70 F...but but back up some next week. Half the time blogs I visit from another link are no longer active. If someone visits me and leaves a comment I do try to return the favor. Have found some wonderful blogs that way. And have found some just by chance. I wish now I had kept a list of how I came to find the blogs I follow. At least 5 bloggers have passed away and I still miss them. Another has cancer and hardly ever heart just dropped when I found out.

  12. Blogs are a way to meet people from other places in the world. It's fantastic that they comment on our posts. Having a blog is a task that entertains me a lot, and you learn through the experiences of others

  13. In my part of the UK we have some very wet weather!!!

    Yes, I do check the stats. and I do visit a lot of blogs but don't always leave a comment.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  14. So good to have good neighbors! So you got not only some potatoes, but they also have a heart for cats and gave a good home for Kitties babies. O, two years already!
    I love to study some friend's blogs and if possible I set a comment. Nice modern custom!
