Sunday 1 September 2024




Our hot days are back and it feels like summer but the calendar says September.  We walked by Willband Creek  yesterday and the mist/fog was caught in the hills and trees nearby. There were lots of spider webs, some of them quite big. Makes me wonder if the bigger the web the bigger the spider.

This morning we walked around Fish Trap Creek. Most of the path is shady so it's a lovely place to walk when it's hot. Stopped at the market and bought plums and apples. These are some of the new crop of apples. ( this variety is Gala).

Nothing much to blog about so I'll close and hopefully be back soon.

Thanks for coming by.


  1. It sounds like you have a lot of lovely places to walk. The picture of the fog is so pretty too. Yes, it does feel a bit like fall here too. There is just a feeling in the air isn't there?
    Blessings and love,

  2. Sounds like you have some lovely places to walk. Happy Labor Day! Best, V.

  3. Ugh, I hope bigger webs do NOT mean bigger spiders! Not my most favourite creature :)

  4. Oh I love Gala apples, them and honey crisp are my favorites.

  5. Those walks sound so nice. It is cool again here, and I sure love it. Galas are one of my favorite apples.

  6. Those apples are beautiful. We sometimes buy that variety too. We are having a beautiful cool week here. Take care Granny and family!
