Saturday 20 January 2024

A Quiet Saturday


Don't I wish I had pansies and tulips blooming in my garden instead of snow!  The snow is melting slowly and hopefully it will be gone soon. Still, it will be a while until the ground thaws and the snowdrops bloom.

We went looking for a park that had paths that had been cleared. The only one we found was the nearby one ( Mill Lake) but the paths still had many areas with ice so we had to take it slowly and carefully.

In wintertime I find I browse various blogs that I don't normally visit. Once I can be outside puttering in my garden that won't be happening as much. Meanwhile, one of my discoveries is a lady called Diane Shiffer.  Some of you may already be familiar with her short but sweet "posts" on YouTube. If you are interested all you have to do is enter her name on YouTube and she'll pop up. 
Do you find yourself visiting different blogs when you have nothing to do?  I was going to say nothing 'better' to do but there's always some chore you could do. I once read that if you have a house and a garden there's always something to do.

Thanks for coming by today.  GM


  1. Oooh, I love Diane's posts on Instagram ~ her voice and giggle are so comforting! X Chy

  2. Your last statement is so true. There is always something waiting - wash the dishes and somebody has a drink and makes something else to wash. Housework and garden chores are never-ending :)
    I looked in on Diane Shiffer and she is gorgeous. I'm going to be following along more of her posts from now on (my favourite activity lately, on our sweltering afternoons, has been to watch You Tubes). Enjoy your day :) xx

  3. No, I don't go looking for more blogs to read. I read too many already. :)
    We have so much snow and it is still so cold, our snow is going to be around for a while yet. I like the snow just don''t like that I can't walk around town.

  4. No, I don't browse blogs that are not my regulars. Apparently I have plenty to do. Feels like it anyway.

  5. Oh yes we wish we had beautiful flowers growing now too, but we have snow instead, just like you. Enjoying my favorite blogs every day including yours Granny!

  6. No, I don't spend alot of time on reading different/new blogs. After retiring from 30 years of work spending 7 hours a day on the computer, screen time is on the bottom of my list now. But each their own. There's always something that I find to do that I enjoy more.

  7. Funny, yours is a new one for me. I came over here from Far Side of Fifty and see that we have a lot of the same people. I am sick of this snow, live in Bellingham and have been stuck inside for days now.

  8. All of the recent snow we have had (14 inches) to date and the cold temps have caused e to appreciate the pots of blooms that I received as a Christmas gift. Yes, there's always something I can be doing.

  9. Yes, I do understand Granny! I have more time in the winter to peruse blogs, than I do once springtime arrives. Outside calls me! I do know who Diane Shiffer is, she has such a calming sweet presence on youtube, but I didn't know she had a blog. Stay warm and safe in this drippy icy weather we are now having!

  10. It's cold here but us Floridians don't handle the cold too good! Actually, I don't handle the heat too good either. I have about decided that I am a Spring and Fall weather girl! LOL! I don't usually visit new blogs but I do enjoy looking at You tube at DIY projects. Haven't had time to do that lately. Maybe I need to make more time this week. Hugs and blessings to you dear GM. Cindy

  11. Yes I have followed her for awhile. WE are cold and there will be snow here for some time.
    I have been away so I haven't done much in blog land but glad to be back to visit

  12. Soon the flowers will come. It's hard to wait, though. I have enough blogs to read, although I don't get to them all every week.

  13. Thanks! I'll look for her on YT...
    I Always have something to

  14. It is dangerous to walk on ice and snow, when you are elder than a small child! But I know, that you are careful. I'm sure, we soon will admire your tulips and snowdrops in your garden. Still they sleep a little bit.
